Sunday, June 20, 2010

Where's Mike?

This morning dawned crisp & coolish so I threw on a sweater & ran out to the garden to see if Mike was enjoying the new dill plants that I bought and planted for him yesterday. But...Mike is missing. I searched in the dill, fennel and parsley & so far, no Mike. I hope he hasn't become Jay food. The Jays were drinking out of the water tank this morning and it's close to the herb garden. Hmmmm....

We have new mysteries to solve however. In preparation to planting the San Marzano tomatoes, I went out the front door to turn on the water at the east side of the house. On returning for the plants I ran into this guy. It looks like a Mournful Sphinx Moth Enyo lugubris lugubris but they aren't supposed to be here! This is what the caterpillar will look like if he finds a mate and she lays eggs.

Also, while thinning out the garbanzos and getting the extras ready to give to friends, all of the white winged doves in the snag suddenly took off like bats outta hell! Sure enough, not a second later, a Cooper's Hawk streaked by all tight and streamlined like a jet fighter. She missed the doves and lazily circled back around a few times. I wish she'd focus her attention on the house sparrows. But there it is...I can't really manage what lives and dies here. IF (and that's a big if) I pay attention to little things like micro-environments and water, some of my plants will survive for a time and if that happens, insects will surely follow. The birds will eat the insects and each other. I will eat the fruit of my labor, save some of my seeds and the whole thing will begin again next year. I've committed to growing organically and sustainably. This little pastoral paradise is NOT a movie or a glossy garden design magazine. This is life in its wild and green glory. This is farming. Who knew that farming could be so entertaining?


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. A first documented record for a mournful sphinx moth in New Mexico? We need more gardeners, checking out the invertebrate biodiversity of their edible ecosystems.
